
Thursday, November 29, 2007


Many Americans like go to shopping. Some Americans like going to store that is famous and that has good goods and services. There are many stores in the United States that are beneficial and some of them have good advantages. However, some stores have one or two advantages; some of them have more than two advantages So, the store has the most advantages is Wal- Mart. Wal-Mart is beneficial sotuationbecause of three reasons, good financial, good services, and education.

First, Wal-Mart has good prices. According to Hoenig (2004), it has low prices so many people can go to it and buy any things they need to buy. For example, most products are cheap. If people need to buy bread, they can buy bread for one dollar with tax. Wal-Mart helps families that have limited income. For example, if they need one bottle of orange juice, they can find it for one dollar and fifty cents with tax. So, Wal-Mart has a good low price that helps people to save money.

Second, Wal-Mart has good services. According to USA TODAY (2003), Wal-Mart has workers who offer good services to help customers. For example, if people need to buy chicken and they do not have any idea how they can find chicken, people have two solutions. People should look at lines, or ask workers where they can find chicken. Another service is that people can return or exchange things. For example, if people need to buy shoes whose size is nine, however, they bought shoes that were eight, in this case, they can change the size from eight to nine. Wal-Mart’s good service helps people save time.

Third, Wal-Mart has a good advantage in education. Wal-Mart helps students to complete their education. For example, Wal-Mart gives students scholarships in colleges and universities if they have high school, and gives them a good chance after graduation like a good salary and health insurance. Another good advantage of education is if that people need work in it, they should have some information about a business major. For example, if people need to work in Wal-Mart they should study accounting because accounting has math, which helps them to account for products and prices. Another major is marketing; when people have information about marketing that helps them make a good advertisement whose color and style they need. Wal-Mart should look at people who have a good education; that makes it have a good reputation among its stores.

Many people say Wal-Mart is not beneficial. They say Wal-Mart has high costs which mean tax is high for customers. However, it is wrong. Wal-Mart is beneficial. Wal-Mart has low tax and price for customers. For example, if people need to buy one kilo of bananas it costs two dollars. Wal-Mart helps people save money. For example, if people need to buy a bottle of milk they can find it for three dollars with tax. Wal-Mart is beneficial and has good advantages.

In conclusion, every store has good advantages. However, some have good goods; others have good services. Wal-Mart has good goods and services. Wal-Mart is beneficial because it has low tax and prices, and we save money and time. Stores should emulate Wal-Mart and give people good goods and services. If stores emulate Wal-Mart the result will be low price, goods and services will be better.

Hoening. J, (2004 February) welcome Wal-Mart. Capitalism magazine. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Http;www.capmag.com/article.asp?ID=4561

Hopkins. J. (2003, January 28). USA Today Wal-Mart's influence grows. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from www.usatoday.com

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mr. Leverett

Global warming threat tens millions of species

The article “global warning threat tens millions of species” by Shaoni Bhattacharya. Say many land, animals, and plants go extinctions because global warming increase. it takes about some kings of animals and plants will face extermination by global warming increase on earth. Some scientists take about causes of global warming and effects on animals and plants. They take about climate change and species move to new area. Scientists take about effects of broad conclusion and global warming on individual species. Some scientists make some attention to people and highest intergovernmental levels help to stop causes of global warming and find good solutions.

Many people have idea of climate and weather changes every year. However, some they do not have idea why climate and weather change. In case, they use a lot of resources nonrenewable such as fossil fuels, metallic, minerals and nonmetallic minerals by bad ways that makes temperature increase and climate and weather change. We know when people use kinds of gases that some pollution in air and weather by human activities. For example, burring coal, use fossil fuels, and deforestation. Results of gases when people use them by bad ways the temperature change and rise. The good ways to make global warming decrease and no change are environment is free of pollution, attention to population, good and high technology.

When environment does not have pollution that good way to make global warming decrease and not rise. Many people use resources nonrenembale that production some pollution of environment. Results of use resources when people use them. For example, when factories burning coral that product some smoke in climate and air. In this case, atmosphere, troposphere, and temperature change and rise and result is global warming. Environment should be free of pollution because it one reason affect situation global warming.

Population is one of reason that makes global warming change and rise. Every one need live in good area. However, if all people go to area that has a lot services and good economic in this case population increase. So, population has positive and negative some of positive help people to look jobs and give chances to some companies to exploit a lot of good things that population has. The negative of population percentage of people increase and they use resources of renewable and nonrenewable of environment Result is product pollution in air and water and temperature change to high. So, people should attention to population because is reason of global warming change.

Technology is important to help climate and weather does not have global warming. When people use high technology by good ways without use any technology that product pollution. So, atmosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere are free of pollution. For example, when people use some machines that have cells sun they do not product any pollution because machines do not use any gases. So, percentage of pollution is little of environment and temperature not change. Also, climate and weather are free of pollution. People should choose good technology that helps them to make environment is free of global warming.

In conclusion, global warming is dangers of people, animals, and plants. So, people and governments should work together to make environment is free of pollution because it product global warming. The good ways help people to make global warming decrease not rise environment is free of pollution, population decrease, and high technology does not product pollution. People and high intergovernmental levels should working hard to find good solutions.


Bhattacharya, S. (2004, Jan. 07). Global warming threatens millions of species. NewScientist.com. Retrieved October 16, 2007.